Writers:  Dan Slott & Christos Gage
Pencils:  Humberto Ramos
Inks:  Victor Olazaba
Color:  Edgar Delgado
Letterer:  Chris Eliopoulos

Superior Spider-Man is entering “Darkest Hours”.  He won’t be entering alone, as Agent Venom will be guest-starring.  This will mark the first confrontation between Venom and Otto Octavius as Spider-Man.

Octavius is riding a personal and professional high – his spider-bots patrol the city, he has his own personal army and headquarters (Spider Island), he’s founding Parker Industries, he has a new girlfriend, and is also making time for his dear Aunt May.  With Venom’s appearance will all this come crashing down?

Superior Spider-Man #22 interior art

What I Liked

With Venom’s ongoing series ending, it was refreshing to see him pop up here.  Spider-Man and Venom have a rich history together.  It’s fun to see it continue with different dynamics (Flash Thompson as Venom, Otto Octavius as Spider-Man).

Humberto Ramos is back to lend his artistic talents to this story arc.  I love how he draws people full of energy, even when they are standing around talking.  I have to praise Dan Slott and Christos Gage for again being able to balance multiple characters and plots.  While the slow burn with the Green Goblin continues, we get other stories (Spider-Man 2099, Venom, Carlie Cooper’s research into Spider-Man’s new attitude, etc) to keep us occupied.

The launch of Parker Industries is a new wrinkle to Peter Parker’s world.  It also shows the difference between Peter and Otto:  Peter was fine contributing to someone else’s vision, while Otto has to be running the show.

What I Didn’t Like

We got very little interaction between Spider-Man and Venom.  This was expected, being the first part of the story.  Same thing happened when Spider-Man 2099 appeared.

Superior Spider-Man #22 cover


“Darkest Hours” will no doubt shake up the status quo of Superior Spider-Man.  What will happen to Venom?  Can he and Spider-Man co-exist?  Or will they try to tear each other apart?  And could there be a Superior Venom once all the dust settles?  Stay tuned!

This review is written in partnership with Pop Culture Network.  They can be found at their website 

#ComicBookChronicles @CBChron founder. Editor-in-Chief of @thekliqnation. Comic book reviewer, podcaster #RABBLERABBLE