Review: Uncanny Avengers #10

Writer:  Rick Remender
Artist:  Daniel Acuna
Letterer:  VC’s Clayton Cowles
Cover Art:  John Cassaday & Laura Martin

When Uncanny Avengers first launched, I was very excited for the new Marvel NOW! series.  Rick Remender’s Uncanny X-Force was one of my favorite comics.  Plus Uncanny Avengers was promoted as being the prominent Marvel NOW! series.  The opening arc with Red Skull came across very lackluster to me.   The delays because of art didn’t help it either.

Since that bumpy road, this comic has been one of my favorite Marvel books on the market.  The Apocalypse Twins are front and center, and they have picked their Four Horsemen of Death.  Along with that, the Avengers Unity Squad is splintered down the middle.  Some are with Wolverine and the others are with Captain America and Havok.  Can both teams find a way to meet the same goal while also fighting former friends reanimated from the grave?

What I Liked

Daniel Acuna has been a great fit for this series.  I don’t see an inker or colorist listed, so Acuna must provide all the art himself.  He does a nice job of letting his colors give a sense of drama and tension, which this series is full of.  I also love the story Remender is telling.  He’s playing the long game.  Building the story issue after issue, to where the reader does not know what to expect next.

The best team books include the team members not getting along.  It’s just more fun to see them fighting amongst themselves, while also fighting their enemies.  After the team learned of Wolverine’s Uncanny X-Force killsquad, we now have two units to follow.  They both want the same goal of defeating The Apocalypse Twins.

Remender used a nice twist of creating the Four Horsemen of Death.  We are used to having the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, but this is something brand new.  We were introduced to the Death Seeds in Remender’s Uncanny X-Force run.  Each Horseman of Death was selected for a reason and purpose.  These personal touches give more weight to the story.

What I Didn’t Like

The only thing I’d change with the Four Horsemen of Death is using Ares instead of Sentry.  I understand why Sentry was chosen.  Thor killed him in Siege, plus Sentry is an Omega-level threat.  Personally, I’m more of a fan of Ares than Sentry.  It’s a small gripe that I can live with.


Remender has juggled villains like Red Skull, Apocalypse, The Apocalypse Twins and Kang, along with increasing the tension within the team.  This combination has created a scenario where I eagerly look forward to each new issue.  With the introduction of the Four Horsemen of Death, I can see their battles with the Uncanny Avengers taking up the next two or three issues.  Will all the Avengers live to see the end?  Interviews with Remender make it sound like not everyone will make it.  You’ll want to be reading to see how the story plays out.

This review is written in partnership with Pop Culture Network.  They can be found at their website

#ComicBookChronicles @CBChron founder. Editor-in-Chief of @thekliqnation. Comic book reviewer, podcaster #RABBLERABBLE

  • Joshua Yamada