The Recipe for 4/4/18

Pick of the Week:
All New Wolverine #33 was absolutely refreshing in the sense that Laura had a relatively happy and positive future compared to her “father” and “siblings”.  She was actually able to turn Madripoor around and lived a good life there.  Gabby inherited the mantle of the Wolverine, had a stable personal life, and a family.  Honestly, I would love to read tales of this future instead the usual violence, shame and depression stories that are associated with the original Logan.  I absolutely loved the fact that Kamala Khan is the President of the United States in this future.

Marvel Two-In-One #5 is the realization of one of my geek dreams: the unification of the super hero community under one banner.  I loved the growth on Doom’s part in his interaction with the alternate Reed, the old dude would have belittled Reed and probably threatened his life rather than offer his assistance.  I also dug the fact that Sue Storm is in charge of posthuman SHIELD division.  I also found it interesting that Emma Frost wasn’t apart of SHIELD and living with the depowered Norrin Radd who was living the simple life as a farmer.

Runaways #8 was a YAAASSSS moment in that Rainbow and Kris gave in that Dapper Doom: Victor Von Doom wearing normal clothing instead of constantly wearing a suit of armor.  The man is a master magician and elite scientist, he could easily wear normal clothes and summon his armor when the need arose.  Victor has a superb sense of style thanks to one Mister Kris Anka.  I don’t personally believe that this is not the real Doctor Doom, rather Vic Mancha’s old teammate, Doombot.  The last time that “Doom” appeared in Runaways, it was a Doombot under Ultron’s control.  The current creative team were such huge fans of the original series, I believe that this is their homage to the second volume.

Worthy Mentions:

Amazing Spider-Man #798 presents such a formidable and OP villain in the form of Red Goblin, I don’t believe that Norman will retain Carnage for long or will be depowered so Peter has a chance of defeating him.

Black Bolt #12 revisited Black Bolt’s troubled and traumatic childhood.  The reunion between Crusher and Titania was touching and I hope that they continue to be grow/develop as characters.

Isola #1 felt like a mix of Twilight Princess and Princess Monoke.  The art reminds me of Ale Garza’s Ninja Boy.

Nightwing #42 felt like those sidescrolling beat’em ups like Double Dragons/Bad Dudes that I wasted time on as a wee lad.

New Mutants – Dead Souls #2 kinda disappointed that Shatterstar didn’t join them on their adventure, his skills would have been invaluable during the fight against the Frost Giant.

Superman #42 hurts my heart abit that Bizarro was an abusive father.  I actually like Bizarro Damien more than the normal one.

The Meh Pile:

Nothing that horrid & foul has polluted the pull list.

This review was written in partnership with Pop Culture Network. They can be found on their website:

A married pleasantly plump collection of flesh, blood, bones, tears, & hope