Prescriptions for 7/12/17

Youngblood No. 3 is on this list simply because of Blood Wulf, the hilarious pastiche of a pastiche. Find it interesting how the culprit seems to be related to Chapel as well. The pacing is good overall, no dead time or drag.

Bug! The Adventures of Forager No. 3 continues to be my favorite Young Animal title. Bug has a trippy Madman quality to it (which makes sense since Madman is the Allred’s baby). The snakes using the Slaver’s body as a disguise was… Wow

Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme No. 10 revealed the source of Billy’s affliction (a truly unexpected source). I found this slight remix of the Brood interesting, conversion via a bite. Also want to see more of this future X-team, specifically the “cured” Chamber.

X-Men Blue No. 7 made me wonder about Old Hank & how questionable his actions are. He seems perfectly fine with throwing his lot with Emma after the Inhumans War she fueled. Also surprised to see Mondo, didn’t know that he was still alive.  Found Rahne’s second mutation interesting and I also wonder why Young Hank didn’t use his dark powers to win.

Jean Grey No. 4 continues to be an entertaining ride with Teen Jean interacting with the Odinson & smashing up some trolls. I am surprised that the Odinson is still getting sloshed, though he came to term with being Mjolnir-less.

Justice League of America No. 10 introduced the KingButcher who seemed like a response to all those magic wish themed horror movies. It’s funny how whenever the Maim Man opens his mouth, he makes his inclusion in this group more questionable.

Worthy Mentions:

Doctor Aphra No. 9 makes me wish that the two murder droids had their own comics ASAP.

Generation X No. 4 saddened me a bit with M being in this state but I was delighted to see her humble Quentin.

Darth Vader No. 3 gave us one of the rare moments where Vader was pwned like some punk.

Detective Comics No. 960 is an Azrael focused tale that makes me wished for a revival of a Jean Paul series with Steve Orlando as the writer.

Dread Gods No. 1 has my interest because it’s techno-punk meets mythology approach.

Black Cloud No. 4 had so much feels in the scenes with Frank & Zelda and Zelda & the cats. To see the one who let you down/abandoned/betrayed you in front of you after so long… wow.

The Burn Pile:

Many books were extra meh but nothing worth burning or mentioning.

This review was written in partnership with Pop Culture Network. They can be found on their

A married pleasantly plump collection of flesh, blood, bones, tears, & hope