Review: AVENGERS #24.NOW

Writer:  Jonathan Hickman
Artists:  Esad Ribic, Salvador Larroca, Mike Deodato & Butch Guice
Color Artists:  Dean White, Frank Martin, Paul Mounts & Laura Martin
Letterer:  VC’s Cory Petit
Cover Art:  Esad Ribic

With Infinity over, Jonathan Hickman begins the second phase of his massive Avengers story.  Marvel is also promoting this as a new jumping-on point for “All-New Marvel NOW!”, along with a big shiny #1 on the cover.  A surprise guest from the future appears at the same time a rogue planet hurls towards Earth.

Avengers #24.NOW interior art

What I Liked

Hickman’s Avengers is not the type of story one can pick up randomly and understand.  With that said, I appreciate the effort in trying to make #24.NOW accessible to new readers.  For the most part the story is straightforward.  A rogue planet will collide with Earth unless The Avengers stop it.

Seeing The Avengers enjoy leisure time together gives Hickman a chance to flex his comedic chops.  Majority of this via Thor.

Esad Ribic‘s painted artistic style is really a sight to see.  He was awesome on Thor: God of Thunder.  The year 3030 pages look equally futuristic and high tech.

What I Didn’t Like

If only Ribic could have illustrated the entire issue.  About halfway through the book, Salvador Larroca, Mike Deodato, and Butch Guice lend a hand.  The comic overall doesn’t suffer, but I will always favor a single issue keeping one consistent artist.

Plus, how many different possible futures will Marvel reveal?  I know Brian Michael Bendis touched upon a future iteration of The Avengers during his run.  I don’t believe that story actually went anywhere though.

The mystery visitor from the future…..because of the art, I had a hard time figuring out just who I was looking at.  The reveal portion was while Larroca was penciling.  Larroca could have made the identity more clear.

Avengers #24.NOW


With clues sprinkled, Hickman plans on having his Avengers and New Avengers plots run together.  With the discovery of a rogue planet heading to Earth, it sounds very similar to the incursions that the Illuminati have been preparing for.  Tony and Steve will continue to build a bigger, better Avengers unit, but with secrets being kept could all that come crashing down?

This review is written in partnership with Pop Culture Network.  They can be found at their website

#ComicBookChronicles @CBChron founder. Editor-in-Chief of @thekliqnation. Comic book reviewer, podcaster #RABBLERABBLE