Review: Justice League of America #4



Writer:  Geoff Johns
Penciller:  Brett Booth
Inker:  Norm Rapmund
Colorist:  Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer:  Rob Leigh
Publisher:  DC  Comics

Even though Justice League of America is only four issue old, every issue has felt intense.  The Justice League of America is created to counteract the Justice League.  Infiltrating the Secret Society.  An impending Trinity War.  This week’s issue may have already topped it’s predecessors with it’s shocking ending.

What I Liked

Taking over the art duties for David Finch are the team of Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund (current team on Nightwing).  So suffice to say that the art stays at a high caliber throughout.  I especially liked Booth’s Green Arrow.  Though he is only in a few pages, he seems to be brimming with energy through Booth and Rapmund’s artwork, along with dialogue provided by Geoff Johns.

Not being a lifelong DC reader, it was fun to see characters like Dr. Ivo and Dr. Light portrayed.  At least I’m assuming the doctor working at A.R.G.U.S. is Dr. Light.  That was the name listed on his name badge after-all.  I am not even sure if Dr. Light has appeared in the New 52 or not.  I seem to remember seeing him on the cover for Earth 2, but I could be wrong.

Catwoman was a fun character to follow during the story.  Even doing undercover work for the JLA she stayed true to her personality by being coy and flirty.

And of course there is the shocking ending.  After seeing Catwoman shot point blank in the head and left for dead, I immediately thought this was the death that was rumored to jumpstart Trinity War.  However, Newsarama correctly pointed out that the Trinity War death is supposed to occur at the beginning of Justice League #22.  So is Catwoman really dead?  Or will this turn into a bait-and-switch?  Plus what does this mean for her solo book?

What I Didn’t Like

With such a large cast, it is hard for Johns to let every character get time in the spotlight.  We see more of Steve Trevor and Amanda Waller than members of the actual JLA.  We need to see more of Katana and Stargirl especially.

And yes, Catwoman’s “death” was shocking.  But we all know she won’t remain dead long.  She has her own solo book for one.  And two, she has been included in promotional art for Trinity War.  That could all turn out to be false of course, but I doubt it.


So Justice League of America #4 is definitely a book I suggest picking up.  You will get suspense, new questions will be asked (How does the Secret Society have a map of the Batcave?), and a team member bites the bullet (almost figuratively).

This review is written in partnership with Pop Culture Network.  They can be found at their website

#ComicBookChronicles @CBChron founder. Editor-in-Chief of @thekliqnation. Comic book reviewer, podcaster #RABBLERABBLE