Age of Ultron #5 Review


Writer:  Brian Michael Bendis
Penciler:  Bryan Hitch
Inker:  Paul Neary
Colorist:  Paul Mounts
Letterer:  VC’s Cory Petit

*sigh*…….as each issue of Age of Ultron comes out, more and more faults are found in it.  My main dislike with this “event” is that it was originally supposed to have happened years ago and was delayed.  Now that it is happening, it does not match up with the current Marvel NOW! landscape.

I read interview after interview from the powers-that-be at Marvel that this event currently takes place “now” in the present-day Marvel universe.  Examples given are the tie-in issues like Superior Spider-Man #6AU and Fantastic Four #5AU.  Sure, these out-of-continuity issues show another side of the Age of Ultron, but the follow-up books from these two series go right back to their regular stories.

What I Liked

The only thing I enjoyed seeing was the various weapons and artifacts assembled for our heroes.  Many of them haven’t been seen in years.  That’s really the only positive I can find to illuminate.

What I Didn’t Like

Wolverine really is an erratic character.  He changes depending on who is writing him.  One minute he’s a killer who’s the best there is at what he does.  The next minute he’s the headmaster of a school for higher learning.  His attitude adapts to whatever the story calls for.  In Age of Ultron we get the out-for-blood Wolverine.  I know this is the end of civilization, but what Wolverine wants to do is very similar to what he wanted to do in the last epic Marvel event.  And he ultimately chickened out there too.

Bryan Hitch’s art was hard to keep up with on the mulit-paneled pages.  I couldn’t tell if I should read every panel on the lefthand side, then righthand side.  Or if I should read left-to-right.  I had this same problem in issue one.

A character introduced here also annoys me.  Only because it again displays when this story was originally written and intended to be released.  This person has not appeared in the Marvel NOW!.  Also it seems that Ultron has not conquered the whole world.  Only select cities.  So why don’t the other heroes scattered around the globe unite to take down this threat?  Every hero is not located in New York City.


I am glad Age of Ultron is coming out so quickly.  The faster it comes out, the faster it will be over with.  Marvel can’t wait to have this over with so they can move on to their real “event of 2013” in Infinity, which will really change the landscape of Marvel NOW! going forward.

This review is written in partnership with Pop Culture Network.  They can be found at their website

#ComicBookChronicles @CBChron founder. Editor-in-Chief of @thekliqnation. Comic book reviewer, podcaster #RABBLERABBLE