Entourage Season 8 Ep 4 Review

Last week’s episode ended with Vince and Turtle kicking Carl Erst’s bathroom door in after he blew his brains out.  We pick up after the police and the rest of the Entourage crew show up at the scene.  Poor Turtle is having a hard time coping with what he’s just seen (i.e. brains splattered around a bathroom).  When the police ask Vince and Turtle to come down to the precinct to give their statements, Drama can’t help but interject.  He suggests Vince “Lawyer Up” before talking to the police. Drama’s paranoia is one of the only enjoyable parts of this lackluster episode.  More on this later.

While riding back to their hotel, Vince confides in Eric that he smoked a joint two weeks ago.  This has him spooked that he won’t pass his drug test.  Eric said he wants Vince to be honest with him from here on out, so honesty is what Eric gets.  I wonder if Vince’s newfound honesty will play out in the remaining episodes, or be quickly forgotten.

Vince’s ordeal caused Ari to be late to his scheduled couples therapy session with Mrs. Ari Gold.  Mrs. Ari makes her displeasure at being blown off again well known, so Ari takes this opportunity to bring up that he is seeing someone also (Mrs. Ari is now dating celebrity restauranteur Bobby Flay).  It was funny how Mrs. Ari didn’t believe the Great Ari Gold could possibly find someone new.  If Ari really wanted to win his wife back, he wouldn’t be rubbing his jump-offs in her face, but whatever.  I guess jealousy can be an effective weapon in dating.  I do know it’s not a good idea to take a date to the same restaurant that your wife’s new boyfriend runs, but that’s just what Ari did.  The end result is now Mrs. Ari and Dana are pissed at him. Another losing episode for Ari.

Back to more Drama hijinks….his brilliant idea to help Vince beat his drug test is to flush his system with vinegar and other various liquids.  He did it himself back when he tried out for the high school wrestling team.  Unfortunately he only got as far as the tryouts…oops.

And just like the majority of Entourage episodes, it ends with everything back to the status quo.  Vince passes the drug test (thanks to a fake penis assist from Billy Walsh).  The majority of the internet community were disappointed in this episode, and I can’t say I disagree.  My belief is because the focus was on Vince, and those episodes never seem to do well.  We like us some Drama and Ari.  Unfortunately this episode lacked both.

With half the season over with, they better pick up the pace on all the revolving storylines.  So now I’d like to hear from the readers and viewers….are you pleased with how this final season has played out?  What improvements or changes would you make?  Make sure to leave us your comments below.

#ComicBookChronicles @CBChron founder. Editor-in-Chief of @thekliqnation. Comic book reviewer, podcaster #RABBLERABBLE