Prescriptions for 5/16/17

Pick of the Week:
Birthright No. 23 amazed me with how there is no clear-cut good & evil in this world.  Everyone seems to exist in this complicated gray area.  The mages aren’t paragons of virtue and honor, they are just as selfish as Lore.  Mikey’s goal is always family at any cost.  I doubt that this series will have a happy ending, I even doubt that good will prevail over evil.

God Country No. 5 reveals the origins of Valofax and it’s amazing how such a thoughtful and noble entity could have such a sinister/terrifying birth.  Loved how Valofax’s and Aristus’ story mirrors Valofax’s in that they are both honorable beings forced to serve a cruel and selfish creator.  I also loved how Aristus was concerned about the mortals that could have been harmed in the celestial battles.  Seems like most super powered beings are ignorant of the destruction their activities wreak.  Also Loved the Kirby as a Genre Aesthetics.

The Mighty Thor No. 19 intrigued me with the direct communication with the Phoenix Force.  I am used to the Phoenix indirectly interacting with others through its hosts, this was a refreshing change IMO.  I must say Jane unleashing a storm in space was the epitome of Epic! Thori is a welcomed addition as companion/travel buddy of the Odinson.  Can’t wait to see War Thor in action!

The Wild Storm No. 4 captures everything I love about a story written by Warren Ellis.  It’s filled with stimulating bits of scientific musing paired with art that takes you to visual stunning places.

Nick Fury No. 2 had me at Space Yakuza with beam samurai swords & high tech armor.  It is visually everything I wanted to see in the Silver Samurai. Visually and story-wise, it’s what I have been craving from spy fiction: fast-paced, light, and stunning.

Nightwing No. 21 delighted to see Dick interact with a member of his Nakama.  His interaction with Wally convinced me that Dick has to be the most stable & emotionally healthy scion of Bruce Wayne.  Jason Todd is Jason. Damien is a psychopath.  Tim’s dad was still alive, so Bruce was more a mentor than a dad.

Star Wars No. 31 continues to delight me with the introduction of a strong horror element to this franchise.  I wonder if Lovecraftian horror is next for this franchise? They already did zombies already.

Worthy Mentions:

Super Sons No. 4 provided a look at Alfred’s checkered past.  It made me want to see a young already series.

Teen Titans No. 8 is a reminder why Slade is not one to be trifled with and also how cunning/manipulative he is!

The Flash No. 22 delighted me to see the appearance of Jay Garrick, I wounder if Bart or Mercury are far behind since speedsters are able to survive the big bad’s reality meddling.

Green Lantern No. 23 introduced to the very first Green Lantern and teased us with the Third World.

Horizon No. 11 reminded me of a Shonen manga in the sense that the most unassuming character ends being the unstoppable physical beast in combat.

Generation X No. 1 was a nice introduction to a potentially awesome X-series.  It doesn’t seem bogged down with unnecessary baggage like most X-books.

Batman No. 23 surprised me with this depiction of Swamp Thing, it humanized him IMO.  It also stressed Bruce’s value of all life and aversion to crime.

Curse Words No. 5 reminded me of a mix of Venture Bros and Ugly Americans (which is a good thing, going have to dive into the trade when it comes out).

The Burn Pile:

Many books were extra meh but nothing worth burning or mentioning.

This review was written in partnership with Pop Culture Network. They can be found on their website:

A married pleasantly plump collection of flesh, blood, bones, tears, & hope