Writer:  Geoff Johns
Artist:  Jason Fabok
Colors:  Brad Anderson
Letterer:  Rob Leigh
Publisher:  DC Comics
Score: 5 out of 5

We are one issue away from the finale of “Darkseid War.” And with that brings more drama and tension. The Crime Syndicate and Justice League/Justice Gods are working together to defeat Mobius, the Anti-Monitor. War brings about uneasy alliances.

What’s fun to watch is Lex Luthor have a roid-rage fight against Mobius. Luthor is supercharged with energy from Apokolips. He can’t help but compare himself to his greatest rival, Superman. There is a contrast to how they both wield great power. Superman uses it responsibly to protect those who can’t protect themselves. Luthor sees himself as an actual God.

When I say the artwork is cinematic in scope, that’s not giving Jason Fabok, Brad Anderson, and Rob Leigh enough credit. What they’ve done is bring an epic feeling to each chapter of “Darkseid War.” Anderson switched up the color design for Superman to make him appear almost as clear as glass. The Flash crackles with deadly energy and lightning. Leigh sprinkles each page with dramatic BOOOOM’s and PING’s. The best of all is Fabok’s stoic Batman atop the Mobius chair. Fabok captures the emotion on each hero and villain’s face. And he knows how to illustrate an entrance for Grail and her mother.

Speaking of Grail, her entrance includes one of two new chess pieces in this elaborate war. Grail hopes her new weapon can sway momentum in her favor. The second chess piece I’ll keep a surprise, but I will say it’s not a weapon being used by our heroes. Though there is the possibility that could change in issue 50.

Geoff Johns has a huge cast of characters to juggle. Which he does masterfully. Our main and supporting characters get enough page time to further their stories.

Justice League #49 2016 cover

#ComicBookChronicles @CBChron founder. Editor-in-Chief of @thekliqnation. Comic book reviewer, podcaster #RABBLERABBLE