Entourage Season 8 Ep 6 Review

Before I delve into this week’s episode, let me just remind everyone that there are only TWO EPISODES LEFT in the series. Yes there has been talk of a movie, but you would think that the writers would pack more excitement into it’s farewell from television.  But it looks like this final season is just setting up it’s big screen debut in a year or two.

Ari meets with his attorney to go over divorce items.  You can tell he still wants to fight for his marriage, even if it involves semi-stalkerish things like showing up announced to see Mrs. Ari.  The attorney breaks the news that Ari may have to sell his half of the business in the divorce settlement.  Which Ari wants no part of. For long time viewers you’ll remember that Ari had to borrow money from his wife to start up the new agency.  So she will definitely want that back.

Drama is still on strike from Johnny’s Bananas.  If one thing Drama is, it’s loyal.  He’s backing Andrew Dice Clay to the bitter end, even if it costs him a hit TV show.  Of course Eric is feeling uncomfortable after sleeping with Sloan’s ex-mother-in-law Melinda.  And we see Eric squirm even more when Melinda drops a car off for him at his job.  Melinda swears she just wants representation, which could be believable.  Rich people are always using their money to get what they want.  This wouldn’t be any different, except for the fact that Eric and Melinda slept with one another.  Ooops.

There is some storyline involving Turtle and some friends from New York, but honestly I am not sure what’s going on with that.  I believe the couple want to start a business with Turtle, but he’s mostly been background noise this season.  The only reason we’ve seen him on screen is because he’s spending more time with Vince.

The most interesting plot involved Eric, Sloan and her friend Johnny Galecki from Big Bang Theory.  Galecki catches Eric and Melinda at a restaurant and makes sure to let Eric know that he and Sloan are friendly. Once again, we’re reminded that Sloan has a thing for the short guys (Seth Green anyone?).  If this ends in another Entourage vs Entourage brawl then this season will be salvaged.  Either way, I enjoy seeing Eric get into it with other guys over Sloan.  Because that can only lead to more Sloan being on my television screen. Win/win situation folks!

#ComicBookChronicles @CBChron founder. Editor-in-Chief of @thekliqnation. Comic book reviewer, podcaster #RABBLERABBLE