Video – Amazing Spider-Man Movie Trailer

The Amazing Spider-Man trailer, from Columbia Pictures, was released today.  The movie is set to debut July 3, 2012.  Add this to the list of movies based on comic books set to be released in 2012, along with The Dark Knight Rises and Avengers.

My reaction after watching the trailer is the mood seems to be very dark.  This can probably be attributed to the success of The Dark Knight.  After it’s record-breaking success at the box office, rumors spread of studios wanting to emulate what made it so successful.

Batman by nature is a dark character.  Spider-Man, however, is a start contrast.  He’s fun-loving, witty, and sarcastic. Those words do not come to mind when I think of Batman.

I especially love the end of the trailer where they show Spider-Man running across the rooftops of New York City.  Very reminiscent of a first-person shooting video game.

What are your thoughts on this new trailer?

#ComicBookChronicles @CBChron founder. Editor-in-Chief of @thekliqnation. Comic book reviewer, podcaster #RABBLERABBLE